Considering how chaotic everyday life is, driving is a phenomenon of humans. So many people are able to travel safely everyday across the same roads and highways. Millions of people embark on their commutes and journeys, so its understandable that there are more than a few below average drivers, to say the least. Statistically speaking you're bound to come across drivers that make you wonder if the DMV will just hand a license to anyone. These are just a few things everyone will understand of the worst things that go down on public roadways.
1. Braking on highways for unnecessary reasons.
Why? There's nobody in front of you. Also we're in the passing lane and I'm trying to actually pass someone. Why can't you just let me drive fast?
2. When a car passes you in the breakdown lane.
We are not in the city during rush hour. It 1 o'clock in the afternoon and you just look like a jerk.
3. When the turn signal in front of you goes on too early.
The light just blinks on and off in front of your eyes, probably counting down the seconds before you implode. Where is this guy even going?
4. When the turn signal never goes on at all.
Thanks for the heads up, you probably just took that turn going thirty miles an hour and we're all lucky nobody was in the way.
5. Or when that turn takes FOREVER.
It's very comforting to know you're a cautious driver, but it is also very irritating that you can't physically turn the steering wheel faster than that.
6. When people try to switch lanes in gridlock traffic.
Again, why? We're all going the same place, which is nowhere. No lane will be faster, I promise you. I will catch up, and I will be giving you a death stare for holding everyone up for no reason.
7. When drivers seemingly forget how to drive in varying weather.
It's raining? Let's drive 40 on the highway.
8. Tailgating. In any circumstance.
I'm already going more than the speed limit, and we're in a school zone. Is this really necessary?
9. Driving ten miles under the speed limit, just for fun.
Seriously, is this enjoyable for you? I have places to be, and the point of owning a motor vehicle is to be efficient.
10. Nobody knows how to merge.
This might just be a New England thing, because everywhere else I go merging is a graceful experience for everyone involved. But somehow if one lane is blocked, it doubles the travel time.
I do a lot of driving. I love to, it's relaxing. However it would be a lot more relaxing if there was less careless driving, and more awareness. People may seldom know how to drive, but they always know how to get under your skin.