College students reach a certain point during the semester where motivation starts dropping. We stay up later, take Every. Last. Second. in bed. And panic when we hear a word that reminds us that there is still work to be done and skipping class for the 3rd time this week because you are this close to finishing your season on Netflix is probably not the best idea. College teaches us many things and a big one is how to handle when these 10 words are mentioned later in life.
1. Internship
The key to your career and future. Apparently, you can’t graduate without one and you are supposed to do it while going to school. Yikes!
2. Cumulative
If you don’t understand something the first time, you had better learn it because as the Terminator says
3. Deadline
Describes how the line of students looks turning in their project or paper.
The thing we try to avoid, but somehow it just sneaks up on us at the last minute. Weird, right.
5. Decaf
If it’s not caffeinated, it’s not happening.
6. Mandatory
I guess you can make me.
7. Group
What professors put you in to do less grading.
8. Citation
VERY important, but so easy to mess up. Honestly, there should be a class for this.
9. Professional
Do jeans count as professional, because I honestly wear them as much as my business clothes?
10. Essay
Takes more than 10 minutes to write…your name.
Bonus: All-Nighter
What year is it?
Take a deep breath, I believe in you! So dress in your professional clothes, drink that decaf coffee and go to that mandatory group meeting about setting up your internship, which will mention a cumulative essay that needs proper citations. Remember procrastination will only lead to more all-nighters.