Acapella people are a special breed of human who usually love what they do...sometimes a little too much...
I love my acapella group more than words can possibly describe so I thought it might be fun to talk about the 10 types of people you meet in an acapella group.
1. The Beat-boxer
No doubt, this person is a vital part of any acapella group. The beat-boxer helps keep the group as a whole in time and adds to any sort of bass that may lack while also adding some sick beats to any song. A great beat-boxer is a blessing to an acapella group so make sure you show your beat-boxer some serious love at each show...and always have a water bottle for them!
2. The One Who Slays
This is the person who no matter how much you love them, there's always a little bit of hate mixed in there too. Your group could decide to sing "Happy Birthday" and this member would blow it out of the water. When auditioning for solos you always pray that you won't have to end up going after this person because let's face it, you're just going to feel bad about yourself afterwards.
3. The "How Low Can You Go" Alto or Bass
During warm ups, you watch this person and can never fully understand how their body has the ability to produce such LOW notes. Does it hurt? When does it end? Are you an alien? Can you teach me your ways? You might never be able to grasp how it happens but you sure do smile when they hit those notes during a show and everyone's jaw drops.
4. The One Who Takes Care Of The Whole Group
This member is the mom or dad of the group who always makes sure that everyone is doing okay and has everything they need, gives the best hugs, keeps the group on track and takes charge in times of need (or just in know how parents are...). Be careful because they will try to hug you a lot but they will also yell at you too.
5. The Party Animal
This person is an essential member to any group because not only will they always invite you out with them on the weekends, but they probably will also be a lot of fun. You can live vicariously through their drunken tales at each Monday's rehearsal and constantly wonder how they survive, but at least they're always down to go out for those nights when everyone else is busy.
6. The Body Beat Maker
Being in an acapella group can be challenging because you don't have the benefits of music playing in the background. Sometimes a song won't sound entirely full when being sung acapella and that's when this member comes in handy. They can always help out when you need a few stomps, claps or a whole combination of the two to make it sound the best. Somehow they manage to keep singing too!!
7. The Diva
This person is simultaneously your favorite and least favorite person in the group. When you're at a show this person wants ALL eyes on them! This includes dancing throughout the set list, singing above everyone else, being sassy AF during their solo, wearing an outfit that will turn heads and having general diva characteristics. You love how confident and fun they are but don't try to dull their shine!
8. The Quiet One
This member shows up to every event, every rehearsal and just hangs out in the background. They are super sweet and everyone loves them but they never fully come out of their shell; oh but when they do, it is amazing!! This person can sing their little heart out and when they get up for a solo audition or to sing during a show the audience has no clue what hit them!
"Did that big voice come from that quiet person?"
"Oh YES it did!"
9. The Hipster
This member always has an interesting song suggestion that ~practically~ no one has ever heard before. They are always listening to a new, underground music group and will tell you all about it and how their songs would be perfect for the group's sound. When you try to explain that the group generally tries to learn music that audiences will know, this member will still keep suggesting, and maybe tries to sneak in some bits of their new favorite Indie song to create a mashup during rehearsal.
10. The Musical Genius
This member can do it ALL! They write, arrange, teach, dance, direct and can sing like nobody's business! You often will find yourself wondering if they're human because it is just not fair if they are. Every time they create a new arrangement for the group you find yourself wondering if you could ever attempt that and very quickly you realize that you absolutely cannot. Leave it to the one amazing member, they got you.
Being a member of an acapella group is unlike any other experience. You will make amazing friends just like the people in this list and make amazing music together.