Break out your favorite liquors, crack open your beers! Ladies and gentleman, let's play the Dance Moms Drinking Game!
Flip on your favorite season of Dance Moms and fill your shot glass to the brim! Get ready for a night of beautiful and sassy dances with a side of outrageously loud dance moms.
Spice up your game and play pyramid style!
- If you pass on any of your shots, you are automatically at the bottom of the pyramid.
- As you take shots, you move higher up on the pyramid!
- If you complete each shot in your episode, you stay at the top of the pyramid and you are welcome to do a solo (Get up and freestyle, you know you want to.)
Like Abby says, "It's hard getting to the top of the pyramid, but it's even harder to stay there."
The rules are simple:
1. Take a shot every time Maddie gets a solo
2. Chug your beer every time Kendall cries
3. Take a shot every time Kelly leaves the studio angry
4. Chug your beer whenever the girls win first place
5. Take a double shot whenever there's an Abby vs. Cathy showdown
6. Take a shot when an outsider joins in the group dance
7. Chug a whole beer whenever Abby says, "Everybody's Replaceable"
8. Take a shot whenever a girl forgets the routine
9. Chug your beer whenever Vivi has no idea what's going on
10. Take a double shot whenever Brooke smiles off-stage
Best of luck to my Dance Moms fanatics!
I sincerely insist NOBODY drives home after playing this game.
Because after playing this game, you're probably feeling like this: