We love you gym. We hate you gym. Whether we admit it or not, exercising and working up a sweat makes us happier, healthier people. But not without a novel of mental conversation with yourself about it first. For those of you who know what I'm talking about, you may have a similar experience at the gym.
1. The decision
*After putting it off more than I should.*
"To go or not to go ... okay, I'll get dressed."
"To go or not to go ... within the next hour for sure."
"I'm already dressed, so I have to now. Let's do this."
2. The denial
*Gets in car.*
"Ugh, this drive is too short. How am I already there?"
"Okay, I'll just sit in the car for awhile and get mentally prepared, you know?"
"It's been 10 minutes. Sooner I go, sooner I leave. I got this."
3. The yeah, don't put me down for cardio
*Gets on treadmill, elliptical, etc.*
"And so it begins. Wait seriously?"
"How has it only been three minutes?"
"This sucks. Already tired."
4. The revival
*Picks up speed and somehow gets focused.*
"I love this. This is life changing."
"Why do I always dread this? I could do this awhile."
"Wow, that guy is really attractive. Let's run faster."
5. Back to reality
*Thirty minutes later.*
"Okay starting to suck again. I'm tired."
"Is he cute enough to keep running?"
"Wait, why is this song on my workout playlist?"
"What a buzzkill. Guess I have to walk now."
6. The home stretch (kind of)
*Changes song.*
"Yes! My favorite. Guess I have to sprint now."
"Wow, this is empowering. I love running."
"Time is just flying by."
7. The overachiever
*Finishes cardio.*
"Exhausted again. Should I do squats? Legs? Abs?"
"Or nothing. No, I'm already here, let's do all three."
"Okay, getting painful. Wait that's good, right?"
8. The confidence booster
"I'm way stronger than I thought. When did this happen?"
"Why do I put this off every day? It's not even bad at all."
"I'm amazing. I feel amazing."
"Sauna, here I come."
9. The end
*Walking out of the gym into freedom.*
"Ooo she's just now getting here. Sucks."
"Till tomorrow, my friend."
As much as we deny, dread and complain about the gym, at the end of the day, it can be our biggest triumph. Here's to the go-getters and the ones who stick it out. The feeling of accomplishment is rewarding, and the positive effects are endless. So next time you're faced with the phases, remember that phase nine will be yours in no time, and you're better because of it. It doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.