Christmas is full of holiday traditions. Mine is full of traditional homemade Ukrainian food. My family and I spend all of Christmas Eve preparing 12 separate meatless Ukrainian dishes to be indulge in at the end of the day. Now you're probably curious to know what we could possibly make and eat. I'll give you a little taste (of course leaving out all special ingredients). We start with a beet soup called Borscht and prepare mushroom and rice dumplings called Ushka out of hand made dough. The Ushka dough is also used to make Perogies. Perogies are traditionally filled with either mashed potatoes or sauteed cabbage. Then frozen and boiled until they float to the top of the water. The cooking will continue with stuffed cabbage, sauteed shrimp, gafilta fish, and much much more. We will finish off with some desserts like Kutja and Christmas cookies!
Happy Holidays