We all go through struggles in this life. Some struggles are harder than others and some struggles are not spoken of. Why do we do that? When we go through something tough, why do we hide it inside? We should be opening up to people and sharing those experiences. Maybe sharing those struggles will help someone through theirs. Maybe it will help them avoid that situation. Maybe it will remind them that they are not the only one.
Spiritual struggles are often the toughest struggles we, as humans, go through. Many people feel as if they have fallen short in their relationship with the Lord. They put things before God. They stop reading their bible. Not because they don’t want to, but because they convince themselves there is just “no time.” When the opportunity arises to attend a bible study, they claim they are “too busy.” I, myself, am one of those people. I am in no way proud of it. I have turned my heart away from the Lord.
I have struggled with giving everything to God. I never let the Lord fully satisfy my soul. It took me a while to realize I was struggling with this, because no one really talks about it. I was also never told that this struggle is entirely okay. It is okay to feel you are not in the right place with God. But that doesn't mean you just sit there and do nothing about it because if you choose to ignore it, it stops being a struggle and becomes a life. A life we shouldn’t be living.
Spiritual struggles are often the struggles that no one talks about. But spiritual struggles are the ones that need to be spoken about and worked through the most. Because one day we will look straight into the eyes of Jesus Christ and suddenly the money, popularity, and earthly possessions will be nothing but loss.
On this day, the only thing worthy of his attention will be the way we loved, the way we lived. On judgment day, will He know as a close and loyal friend, or a distant stranger? The Gospel is so urgent. To know Jesus is to know beauty, adventure, freedom, love, and joy. To know Jesus intimately is the most valuable gift one can attain on this earth. Don’t wait any longer, start living now.