The skies are blue,
the clouds are white,
the grass is green.
You think it is as simple as that,
but its not that simple.
That blue sky your looking at
is not JUST blue.
They fly through that blue sky.
Not all of those skies make it out of that sky.
Not that simple.
Those white clouds you always see
are not JUST white clouds.
They form within clouds.
They can be small or cause world disasters.
Not that simple.
That green grass that you always step on
is not JUST green grass.
They walk on, live on and die on grass.
Grass can cause life or hold death.
Not that simple.
Everything is not that simple.
You might see one thing
but there is always a bigger picture.
Don't concentrate on what is in front of you
but what is underneath what is on the surface.
It simply is not that simple.