It's that point in the semester. Finals are quickly approaching, assignments are piling up and your motivation has gone out your fourth floor window. Your heart is longing for the holiday season, but you're still stuck crying into that anatomy textbook. Full House accurately describes all of us at that point in the semester.
1. When someone tries to talk to you before you've had your extra large morning coffee.
No talkie until I've had my coffee mister.
2. It's super easy to become distracted.
Because you honestly don't care anymore. Watching grass grow would be more entertaining than reading this court case.
3. You arrive 10 minutes late to lecture.
Because you hit snooze 5x but at least you showed up, right? That counts for something!
4. When your professor assigns two papers, a quiz and a forum.
Bonus points if they're all due by Friday, she waited until Wednesday to assign them, and they're worth 40% of your grade.
5. When you go to the gym to relieve some stress.
Only to binge out on junk food the moment you return to your dorm. Balance, right?
6. When prayers do nothing to stop the assignments from coming.
God, help a girl out!
7. When your appearance accurately reflects how your life is going.
It's not going well and your hair is made up of 99% dry shampoo.
8. When you fail a test because you were too busy studying for another test.
Bonus points if you failed the test you studied for too.
9. When you skip class because your care has gone out the window.
My bed is just so comfy and the lecture hall is just so far away, I can miss three classes, right?! What is an attendance policy anyways?
10. When you think you're finally caught up!
WHAT?!? I'M CAUGHT UP?! I can actually leave the library??!?
11. Only to realize you forgot to finish that group project...
Now you have to pull an all-nighter. Coffee IV drip, anyone?
12. When you and your roommate are equally swamped.
"If I go lay in traffic, will you join me?" "If I jump out the window, will you join me?" "Can I microwave my textbook?" "Can I drown myself in the shower?"
13. When you remember how close you are to being done with this semester.
So to everyone struggling to finish the semester on a positive note, just remember how far you've come! Go to class, study hard, but treat yourself every once in awhile. Don't wish that the semester would end too fast though, because come January, we both know you'll be dying to come back!
Best of luck, and all the good vibes!