Our society has raised a generation that is focused on themselves, we are all about the benefits that we can be provided with. What can I gain from doing this, what can this person do for me, ect.. and frankly it is sicking. No one whats to put forth more effort than the other, because than they are giving more and receiving less in return. No one wants to show that they care more than the other person for that in itself is a crime. For good lord it would be absurd to do something for someone, and not receive a equal benefit from it. We are a self absorbed society, and we try to justify our selfish, by trying to make the other person look at fault, for god forbid we be in the wrong.
We are the generation that released the “stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t cross a puddle for you” ( I abhor that quote). The generation that whenever we become frustrated by another actions or ,lack of actions, we automatically revert to the saying well they never deserved me/my time/ my friendship ect.. (insert whatever you would like). We never stop to think maybe their action was just a reaction to something we could of said or done, than in that case you are not deserving of them.It works both ways.our generation being me based seems to only see the one sided version of it. Because why should either party admit they are at fault, when they both can justify the misunderstanding with “well he/she never deserved my _____ anyway.” For this statement comes back to self, it justifies in your mind that you are above this person in some way, and that said person doesn’t deserve to spend time with someone as great as yourself. Sure repeating this in your mind makes you feel better,however, at the end of it all what does it gain you?Nothing, you would actually be suffering a lost. Both of the above statements are conveying the message, that you shouldn’t go out of you way for someone who wouldn’t do the same for you. But I am asking why in the world shouldn’t you?!?
And honestly I can’t think of any good reason you shouldn’t.
Besides, you shouldn’t be measuring how a person values you based on a quote about oceans and puddles. Because honesty, there are a number of people in my life that I would cross a ocean for, even if knowing they wouldn’t do the same for me. But that doesn’t mean they do not deserve my friendship, all because I am willing to put forth more effort than they are. So please stop with the whole “they don’t deserve me” justification. So, maybe some people are not able to see how great you truly are ( and that is their lost, not yours), but that does not mean they do not deserve your kindness. Sure,there will be people who treat you in ways you actions are not deserving of, and at that given point in time maybe they aren’t deserving of you, but that doesn’t mean that they never were.
Because, here is the thing at the end of the day I would rather be the person who gave to much instead of not enough. The person who let people know that I appreciate them, the person that went out of their way for others, and never gave a thought if they are deserving or not. So what if I am the friend who might put more effort into than I get in return, frankly I don’t care. Because, I don’t want to end up being the person who loses people whom I care about. All because society told me that putting in more effort than the other person is a waste of time, and makes them underserving of my friendship. It is never a waste of time, because what society seems to forget is this, everyones idea of effort is different than others. You can’t determine how someone values you based on their actions alone,your friendship could mean more to a person than they let on. We are so focused on ourselves we seem to forget the everyday struggles that others are facing, so by all means let people know you are there for them, go out of your way, and expect to receive nothing in return.
Everyone is deserving of someone who is willing to be there for them even when they feel like the don’t deserve it.
So be that person.