While I am getting ready to pack to go back to school, I rethink each year where I had to go through the same process. The summer going into college I was a little baby going into my freshmen year, however my experience was a little different because I was going into preseason. I was so nervous about tryouts and the running test, but overall I was more excited to just start college. I was so ready to get out of my tiny town, where I was with the same people since elementary school. But most people feel a bittersweet feeling when entering college. They are excited to start a new phase in their life but are also sad to say goodbye to what they were so use to.
Last year was a little different than the first year because I was getting back to school where I already felt somewhat comfortable. I was also little nervous because this was the year where everyone was joining Greek life and I didn't know what to expect.
And now I am entering college as a washed up junior. While I am excited to see all my friends and welcome all the new members who are joining Greek life I'm also beginning to freak out.
COLLEGE IS ALMOST OVER... After college you have to become a real person and do real person things.. like get a job.. hopefully move out of your parents house (hopefully I can afford to live in NYC), but overall the realization is hitting hard. You are thrown out into the real world where you have no idea what to expect.
Now that I am thinking about going back to school I am stressed about packing, hating that I have to go back to eating terrible college food, having to say goodbyes AND I have to get right back into school work, because syllabus week is not a thing at Trimester schools.
Junior year is always a tough year for students in both high school and college. This is the year we have to actually find good internships and not just babysit or intern part time, which is so stressful, hopefully keep up your grades in the higher level classes and maybe this year we will actually learn how to study and not procrastinate. Junior year is also when friend groups are broken apart because people are going abroad.
However, my most important note about junior year is trying to stay positive, because we make our own happiness in this world. The next two years are going to fly by and I want to look back on college and not just remember me sitting in the library because honestly, you can only study so much. College is also about making friendships that will last a lifetime. These friends will be in your wedding ceremony, be your children's god parents and who even become your second family. Most importantly, never judge anyone until you truly get to know them because while you might have your friend group, it is still important to branch out and get to know as many people as you can during your college career.