Everyone knows that guy that takes things too seriously. Whether it's the person that takes P.E. in school as if it is the Olympics, parents who live vicariously through their children and thus take whatever activity they participate in as life and death, or the guy that takes being involved in things like clubs as if it is their livelihood. The people who think that everybody has time to revolve around their schedule or the schedule of whatever they are taking part in because in their mind, this activity is the most important and should be to everyone.
While I appreciate that someone is so excited to be a part of something and I understand wanting to give your fullest effort to the thing that you love, people need to understand that just because you have a passion for that thing, you can not expect someone like me to have as strong of a passion as you do. Also, sometimes we run into problems that we can't get around and unfortunately have to deal with the task at hand instead of the thing "that guy" feels so strongly about.
To the "that guys" of the world, stay passionate but understand that your passion is not my passion, your passion is something that I enjoy but not something I would consider my livelihood.