We all have that friend that gives the best advice ever.
They're your go-to, your shoulder to cry on, the person who literally drives your life in the right direction and you can't imagine where you'd be without them.
I'm generally really good at giving other people advice. I'm THAT girl.
When people present an issue to me, the answer is usually really quite simple. In my head, the answer is black and white, and there is no shade of grey in between.
I am also the girl that has a crazy fear of hurting people, and this often gets in the way of me making decisions that are the best thing for me. When giving other people advice, I can be the best kind of savage. You know, the kind that gives advice that makes you look strong in the end.
Did that one guy ask you to go on a date, but you don't really want to go? Easy. Just tell him that you are flattered, but you have something going on that night, or that you are flattered but you're just really not interested. Simple, right?
But then that same guy asks me...and I falter. Do I want to go? Absolutely not. Am I going to guilt myself into going? You bet I am.
I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem. In fact, I've noticed that a lot of other girls struggle with this as well.
I think it is due to the fact that emotions get in the way of everything. We try our best to be good people and to make others like us, but the fact that I need to come to terms with is that not everyone is going to like you. Especially when you're doing things for yourself. It's just a part of life, and even though it's hard, you just have to accept that doing things for yourself is necessary. Yes, there is a time and a place to go out of your way to make someone's day better, but not if it is just going to make you miserable. In the long run, it also saves the other person from a world of hurt once they realize you were just doing something to be nice instead of actually wanting to.
The reality of it is that when we are faced with situations, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves what we would tell someone else to do if they were in our same situation. This really puts it in perspective.
Just remember, if you are this girl, you aren't alone. It doesn't mean you're a hypocrite by any means. It just means you that you care about people, and that's hardly something to complain about.