Are you familiar with that dark horizon?
The one always with nighttime skies –
Never daylight –
And doesn't even have the light from the moon and stars –
Even if you're surrounded by them?
Where there's no escape to another place anywhere else?
Where you're stuck for what seems like forever,
Leaving you wondering endlessly about when and how you might escape –
And possibly never return?
Where you're always thinking when and how to abandon all the darkness around you,
As well as that within yourself –
Because of it?
Well if you have been familiar with it,
You're one of the lucky ones –
To have found your escape and have come out into bright and sunny skies again.
And if you haven't,
Now you have some idea of what it's like,
So you can do whatever's in your power –
In your light –
To try to not go near it.