For those of you who have never seen "That 70’s Show," you need to reevaluate your life. It’s perfect for whenever you want to stupidly laugh at Kelso’s (Ashton Kutcher) obliviousness, Jackie’s (Mila Kunis) outrageous vanity, or Hyde’s (Danny Masterson) rebellion against “the system.” We may not realize it, but Eric Forman’s comedic struggles as a typical lazy, teenager in the seventies really offer lessons worthy of all of us today.
1. Slackers can rise above.
Someone who didn’t have a good life, or who has messed up can always change themselves to be a better person. Don’t immediately judge a book by it’s cover because somebody can always surprise you. Kelso is probably the goofiest and biggest douche (without realizing) on the show, but even though Kelso gives us moments of utter stupidity, he ends up being the first to accept responsibility of adulthood.
2. True love really is meant to be.
3. Your friends always have your back.
Whenever you need them, your friends are always going to be right there behind you. They might prank you or burn you real bad, but it’s out of love, and they’re just doing it to teach you a lesson. You can count on them to help you through what ever you need, as long as what you need is some tough love.
4. Family isn't always blood.
Your family is always going to be willing to help you out under any circumstance, but family can extend even farther beyond blood. Your best friends are the family you choose, and they will always be there for you. Hyde’s struggle with his unreliable Mom and irresponsible Dad makes it impossible to have a real bond with his biological parents. But when Eric welcomes Hyde into the Foreman’s house to become part of the family, he teaches Hyde that sometimes family is a very broad term.
5. Your mom is always there for you.
Whenever you mess up big time, the one person you can call without any judgments is your mom. She’ll always be just a phone call away and will back you up no matter what. She might give you some harsh reality checks and try to guide you down the right path, but it’s only out of love. Most importantly, whenever you need a good meal you can count on her. Eric’s fights, heartbreaks, adolescent problems, and moments of achievement are all shown with Kitty in the background being his support system.
6. Be yourself.
If we learn anything from the gang’s carelessness and goofing off, it is that you shouldn’t let anyone change you or tell you who to be. Everyone in your life should love you the way you are and if not, they shouldn’t be a part of your life. Accept and love yourself every day, and your life will be great.
7. Ask questions.
I can’t count the number of times Fez or Kelso asked what their friends called “stupid questions.” While they got made fun of for being empty headed, it’s really just pointing to the fact that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask the question, no matter how dumb it is. If you’re confused about something, ASK. Its okay! At least you asked, and at least you’ll know the answer.
8. Sometimes all you need is some grub... or booze.
The countless scenes shot at The Hub always point us to the one thing that the tiny, janky, short-order style diner is known for amongst all Point Place teens -- their fries. After breakups, facing Red’s angry rage, big let downs, or just plain awful days at school, you can find the gang at the Hub ordering fries and hot dogs. When you’re feeling down, you can always count on some greasy food to make you feel better. If that doesn't work, you can always grab the liquor or hit the keg for some instant relief.
9. Always keep life in perspective.
From family problems, break ups, scandals, or just plain awful weeks, having a positive attitude will get you through the day. Have an optimistic attitude, and the little things that your friends do or the little successes you accomplish will boost you up. Don’t let life get you down, it’ll all be okay.
10. We're all alright.
Despite everything the crew goes through, they all end up fine. We all end up okay and that's what matters most.