No matter how crazy you make me, or how much you piss me off I wouldn't give you up for anything.
Thank you for always going adventures with me.
Whether we go get ice cream or get lost on some back road, everything is an adventure.
Thank you for watching movies with me.
Even though I know that you don't want to watch the girly movie, or Lilo & Stitch you come over anyway and watch with me.
Thank you for the hugs.
You give the best hugs, and you always know when I need one the most.
Thank you for believing in me.
Even when my goals seem unachievable you tell me to go for them anyway.
Thank you for taking pictures with me.
Whether they're fun or a "normal" picture we take the best ones.
Thank you for never giving up on me.
I know that I can be a huge pain in the ass 95% of the time but you still stand by my side no matter what.
Thank you for loving me.
You love me when I don't know how to love myself. You make me laugh when I don't even want to smile.
But most of all thank you for being my best friend.
When I met you freshman year I would've never thought that you would mean this much to me. We've laughed, cried, fought, hung out for hours. You've made such a huge difference in my life and I couldn't be more thankful for you I love you so much, and I don't know where I'd be without you by my side.
Love always,
Your pain in the ass best friend