With Thanksgiving approaching in a few days filled with good old timey food, the annual Thanksgiving Day Parade and Black Friday the actually concept of giving thanks is hard. If you are anything like my family you usually celebrate Thanksgiving at various times and are constantly busy, the fridge is filled to the max with leftover's and dad sits in the recliner in a food coma fast asleep. We are so busy with going to different family's houses and catching up with cousins that we don't have the time to sit back and honestly think about all the blessings we have been given. We never get to be thankful for living in a country that is filled with freedom and liberty instead of a country that is constantly bombarded with wars where death is a normal experience. We never get to be thankful for all of our loved ones being here or simply remembering the ones's who have unfortunately passed, sometimes it may be too difficult to see the blessings if a loved one has passed suddenly. I urge all those who are dealing with the sadness of grief to try to see the little blessings everyday or even the blessings in which that person's life has left, for example it might be the blessing of having a family, maybe a grandchild or the endless love of a parent. Regardless let us try to be thankful even in the most difficult times.
We never get to be thankful for the simple everyday things because we are so focused on getting the next big things or getting that gift at an incredible deal on Black Friday. We take for granted the blessing of having that cell phone or having enough money for that Thanksgiving dinner that you slaved away at. In this the of giving thanks let us not forget all the blessings we have experienced and all the ones complete strangers give up so they can defend our freedom of celebration across the seas. Remember to stay thankful in the time of the season and the rest of your days.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!