Thanksgiving is finally near! A time filled with turkey, mashed potatoes, and distant relatives that you haven't seen in forever. Let's be real, the food is great, but when it comes to the dinner conversations surrounding the food, things can get a bit awkward. Still being under age 55, I have observed many of these dinners, year after year, from across the room at the kid's table. Being at the kid's table is a blessing in disguise since you are never really expected to give your input in the conversations too much, you just get to sit there and cringe at the topics that slither their way up into discussion. After observing for 19 years now, I've noticed whenever certain topics come up, it usually ends in disgusting glares across the table, nonchalant personal attacks, or just an awkward vibe at the table. To make Thanksgiving this year more fun for everyone, be sure to stay clear of these topics this year to avoid a dinner disaster.
Politics is always a touchy subject. Especially after the big presidential election, a lot of people have different opinions on our next president and important issues in the news. Talking about topics including the election results, abortion, views on gay marriage, gun control, immigration laws, or whatever other controversies come to mind will most likely make at least one person in the room uncomfortable and want to get up and leave the table. It is undoubtedly better to be left off the agenda of topics to be discussed around a Thanksgiving table.
Family Gossip
"Did you hear that Uncle Nick and Aunt Vicky totally don't sleep in the same bed anymore?" "Did you hear that Cousin Martin STILL isn't married yet?" Talking about family drama and conflicts between people are nothing but harmful, even if they are not specifically sitting with you at the table. Nobody likes to be talked about, so don't go off talking about others at the Thanksgiving table this year; try to mind your own business.
Everybody believes something different than one another. Don't judge Hallie for praying over her food before she eats it, or Annie who doesn't. Religion is an age old debate that frankly, we are sick of hearing. Let people believe and do as they please as long as it is not hurting anyone. The topic is overly exhausted and if you have a problem with what someone believes or practices, keep it to yourself please.
Other People's Lifestyle Choices
"Oh, why'd you break up with James? He was so nice!" or "Why'd you get your nose pierced? You don't need another hole in your head!" I know by experience, there are most always questions about lifestyles that people do not want to be questioned on, including school, relationships, future plans, career paths, and other choices they have made in their lives. Let people live the way they choose to do so, without having to judged, unless they bring it up first. Whether someone at the dinner table quit their job, became a vegetarian, or is choosing to live their life drastically differently than you would live it, it is their life so let them handle it and stop bombarding them with questions about it.
This one is a no brainier, nobody likes thinking about death. Please don't bring up into conversation with me how your neighbor just died, or how you saw my old dentist's obituary in the paper last week. Everybody dies eventually, but all of us currently living people gathered here to celebrate what we are thankful for, and I for one am not thankful for people dying so save that for another time, Debby Downer. That definitely tends to kill the mood.
Way Too Much Information
There is a difference between telling us about you fell and hurt your knee than telling us about the nasty side effects your pain medication is giving you from it. No, I don't want to hear how you got that mole off your back or how you have been so constipated the last few weeks. We love you, but we don't need to hear your medical history while we are eating, so please leave that for your doctors to look at later.
Happy Thanksgiving!