Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. You get to eat great food with great people, and forget about the stress of school for a while. However, I've learned that sometimes Thanksgiving can be stressful.
1. You are excited to be reunited with your family:
You finally get a break from school and get to see not only your immediate family, but your extended family as well. You can't wait to see all of your favorite cousins.
2. On the way there you are so excited, you can't wait to eat tons of food:
You have an enjoyable car ride on the way there, talking about how good the macaroni is going to be, and how you hope they have pie and ice cream this year.
3. Your older relatives start asking you questions about your accomplishments from the past year:
When you arrive, the questions start rolling out. Are you dating anyone? What are your grades like? What are your plans for the next five years?
4. If you don't start eating soon you are going to lose your mind:
You have had enough of small talk. You need to eat something. Yes, you are happy to see everyone, but that turkey smells like it's done. Please get it out of the oven, pronto.
5. Finally, the turkey comes out of the oven:
The time has come. The promised land is near. You can't wait to dig in.
6. All the food is finally put out on the table:
The prayers have been said, and you run to your place at the front of the line. You have been preparing for this moment for weeks.
7. Someone brings up a controversial topic at the dinner table:
...and here we go. Why does this always have to happen? Things would go so much better if we just stuffed our faces in silence.
8. You decide to keep quiet while your family catches up on gossip:
You sit back and sip your tea. You will have no part of this conversation.
9. After sitting through awkward amounts of conversation, you decide it's time to go home:
You packed your leftovers into plastic containers and Ziploc bags. Maybe you will make it out alive.
10. But in reality, you already started a countdown for next Thanksgiving:
On the drive home, all you can think about is how excited you are for next year.