As Thanksgiving approaches, let's take a step back and appreciate the blessings in our lives. You’ve probably heard that line one too many times, especially around this time of year. But I mean it. Put your cell phone down, quit stressing about this week’s exams or the assignment due after break, and think about the bigger picture.
To put it mildly, college is an interesting experience. At the beginning of this semester, roommate troubles and air conditioning, or lack thereof, plagued the minds of many college students. Now, as the weather cools and most of us have accustomed to the reality of sharing our personal space, the next apocalyptic stepping stones are finals. I know I am not alone when I say that it’s easy, even natural, to become consumed by the responsibilities directly in front of us. In other words, we lose sleep over math exams and term papers while kids, our age, with many of the same aspirations, don’t even have the privilege of attending university. Of course, we can’t keep everyone in mind when worrying about ourselves. But I do challenge you to weigh both sides of every situation and assess what really matters. You might just realize that you have more to appreciate than you thought.
As far as the recent election, I have learned that the best way to prevent distress is to avoid the topic entirely. It seems like having different opinions has taken on new meaning. Hearing each other out and gaining insight from another perspective is history. Today, as the world surges forward, humanity, in my opinion, takes a step backwards. “If you voted for trump, please unfollow me on all social media and don't bother associating with me any longer." Are people really worth only as much as their political views? No, that is not how human beings, who have the capacity to act beyond their instincts, should associate with one another. Instead of tearing each other down, we could learn a lot just by listening. Although some argue that the world faces a grim future, I encourage you to remain optimistic. America is still the greatest country, the sun will rise tomorrow, and thanksgiving is less than a week away.
Amidst the endless balancing act of school, family, and friends, search for the bright side in every situation. Even when it's hard to find, remember there is always knowledge to gain and new perspectives to appreciate. We really do have a lot to be thankful for.