It goes without saying that Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays to look forward to family, friends, food, good times, and being home. Most of the time, it’s one of those holidays you can look back and say, “What a perfect day.” Although this is what it’s like most years, sometimes this holiday gets the best of us nosey family members, curious cousins, the stress that surrounds the kitchen, dry turkey, forgetting the cranberries. Thanksgiving is a fight for survival—it’s the real life Hunger Games.
On the morning of Thanksgiving, you and your family are driving over to a family member’s house and hunger is starting to strike. "When will I be fed?" "Please nobody ask me questions about how school is going..."
This second your family walks in, all eyes are on you. The questions begin almost immediately.
Wait, is everyone here actually family?
"How's college? Are you meeting a lot of people?"
"Are you in a relationship now? HOW'S THE BOYFRIEND?"
Oh, fabulous. It's my turn to listen to everyone...
"Almost time for dinner, who all is sitting at the extra table in the other room?" Away from everyone?!
After sitting down, you find yourself across from a family friend who has obviously been hitting the gym.
He's cute, but if he takes the last roll...
After dinner, you can tell the adults are getting kinda weird...
Then, whoever is responsible for dessert forgets it...
FINALLY your parents say it's time to go.