I'll never understand why turkey, stuffing, gravy, mash potatoes and apple pie only are appropriate one day out of the year but after all its all said and done, Thanksgiving comes and goes faster than we can eat all the leftovers.
Getting to the point that Thanksgiving should not just be a once a year event, maybe the meal, but not the idea.
Thanksgiving is more than the crazy travelers, it's bigger than the Black Friday shopping and it’s not just a stepping-stone for the next holidays. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and rejoicing in that.
I can always count on the fourth Thursday in November for receiving a number of texts, reading a number of Facebook status and seeing Instagram of captions stating “thankful for _______.”
But what now?
Awesome, you are thankful for so and so and you are thankful for this and that, but what is stopping you from being thankful everyday? Of course, voicing that may get redundant at times, but one day out of 365, you finally stop to think about something or someone other than yourself or your family for one day?
This brings me to the what now…
Thanksgiving is the start of the Holiday season; it’s the start of the warm spirits and giving mentality. But the giving, the sacrifice and the serving should be more than a two-month “tradition.”
As humans we have a lot of power. We are given the ability to love, to serve, to sacrifice and to help. We are given the blessing of another day each time we awake, but often we mumble or complain about the difficulties ahead.
The famous quote that "we all have same 24 hours" may be a little cliché but seriously... What do you do to better SOMEONE ELSE'S life in that time?
Often the world points everything back at ourselves, that’s why we think certain things about ourselves or that’s why we often do things for ourselves, but Thanksgiving is that reminder that this life is more than just you and I.
We get that one-day of a year reminder to be thankful, but the question we should ask is what are we going to do with that reminder?
I love the hype for thanksgiving, I love giving thanks, I love being with family but what I don't love is that next day everyone is far from thankful. As you curse someone off for cutting you off, or as you blow off your neighbor because your day is more important, THINK.
Imagine each day with everyone walking around with the willingness to lend a helping hand. Don't just serve turkey to your neighbor during holidays because they struggle financially day in and day, make a weekly stop in, and take five minutes of your day to reach out to just truly ask, “How are you?”
I recently saw a picture on Twitter saying, "It takes $0.00 to be a decent person" and isn’t that the truth. There are so many misconceptions about giving. Giving doesn’t mean spending money, giving your time could be the difference in someone’s life or death decision, and it could be the difference between that laugh and that cry.
So when you clean up your Thanksgiving day décor, and start setting up for the next holidays, stop and think what now? What can you do to making a giving holiday and a day to rejoice in thanks more common in a world, that means to harp so high on the negativity. Be the difference.