Thanksgiving Lookbook | The Odyssey Online
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Thanksgiving Lookbook

A Look into What I'm Thankful For This Year

Thanksgiving Lookbook
The Balance

Thankful for another year that is completely different from the last. This Thanksgiving looks a whole lot different than last year’s rodeo. But isn’t it every year? With every year I am amazed at how far I’ve come, where I’ve been, and what God got me through. I’m thrilled for the adventure that lies ahead. Everyone has their own story, their own set of mistakes, their own things that make them tick, their own family, their own friends. No two social circles are exactly the same.

This year was a great one even throughout the craziness it was.

In order to be completely thankful for the rainbows, you have to be thankful for the storms too.

Here is a glimpse into what my year has looked like:

This January, I started attending my local community college. It has been a crazy, crazy ride thus far. Transitioning from being homeschooled my entire life to a life as a full-time college student was easier than I thought it would be, but it also had its ups and downs. As some of you may know, this summer I decided to take two classes, one of which I failed. I have never once failed a class in my lifetime. The instructor for my Economics class was not empathetic and was not involved at all in the online class. The story that goes along with this situation is a long one, but to make it short, let’s just say that I was forced to pay for Fall Quarter out of pocket because my financial aid got put on suspension because of that one class. This was a hard time for me since I’m working part time, but not exactly enough to come up with $1,200. But despite that, I’m thankful for the opportunity to go to college and prepare for where God leads me.

For the past year after I graduated, I’ve had the opportunity to invest in some really amazing youth at my church. Youth group is a ministry that I’ve really become fond of. Seeing the difference you can make in someone’s life by simply just caring about them is an extraordinary feeling. I’m so thankful for the incredible young adults that I have the privilege to invest in every day, not just on Sunday mornings.

My church has been awesome this year. I actually met my boyfriend at the young adult group that I have been attending since last summer. They are everything encouraging and constantly pointing me to the cross. It is important to feel welcome inside of a community of believers and I thank God that they are my second family. They encourage and love and make me laugh all the time.

This summer I was presented with an opportunity for a job as a cashier at a local thrift store and it has proved to be so much more helpful than just financially. My bosses are some of the most incredible emotional supports and they have taught me so much about life and work both by their actions and their kind words. They and this job have been some of the greatest blessings in my life the past 4 months.

Last Thanksgiving, I decided to message a guy that I had been exchanging glances with for a couple of months but hadn’t talked to in person very much. I guess you could say it went well, since we are now approaching our 1-year anniversary. He has taught me so much about real love and sacrifice this year and I’m so thrilled to spend forever with him. He has been so kind and compassionate and supportive to me. I’m so incredibly thankful for him. Thank you to his family, as well, for inviting me into their arms openly and for loving me. You guys are the best!

I’m so thankful for the family that God gave me and that they work so hard every day so that I can come home to a heated house, clean dishes, and a warm meal. They have taught me everything I know about hard work and perseverance.

My friends have been so loving and incredible this year. You gain some, you lose some, but overall God is good. They are incredible in each their own ways. I can come to them each in different stages of my life if I am seeking advice, someone to jump up and down with, or even to hug me. I am going to name some but I can’t name all of them. Just know that if you are in my life and you hug me and tell me you love me- you’re my friend.

Vanessa, Kara, Paige and the rest of the Philips Fam, Elsie, Kelsey S., Kelsey F., Tyler, Ashlee, and anyone in Crosspointe College Group. I love you.

Vanessa has been in my life since she was in preschool and I was in Kindergarten and she never fails to make me laugh and feel appreciated. I'm so blessed to have a best friend like her.

Kara is one of those people that is overwhelmingly similar to you that they just get you to such a high extent. I'm so thankful for her wisdom, accountability, and reassurance that it's okay not to have it all together. It's also nice to have someone who likes the same music you do.

Paige! She is a pocketful of sunshine. She is so wise. I wish I had half as good ideas as she does, because if I did, I would be so much more successful in life. I love being excited with her. I love inside jokes with her. She's the world's cutest human.

The Philips Fam are some of my favorite people in the world. They're just fun to hang out with- I never leave their house feeling unwelcomed. They always take care of you and love on you in the best ways.

Elsie was the first and practically only friend I have at Clark. It's so important to have that one person who has your back at school, to take classes with you, and listen to how your day is going. So thankful our teacher decided to put us in the same group that first quarter.

Kelsey S. is one of the most joyful and fun people I have ever met. She is one of the few people that is genuinely empathetic and I appreciate her wisdom and excitement for life so much.

Kelsey F. has been there for me through every stage of life to give advice and love on me in such a fantastic way. She is wise and beautiful and I love her so.

Tyler Dean is my sanity and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life living life alongside him.

Ashlee- I miss you! I'm so thankful for your heart and for the memories we get to make together. I'm so thankful you're my cousin. I love you!

Crosspointe College and Young Professionals- thank you for continually loving me and loving people. You guys rock.

I’m also thankful for the experiences God let me have this year, from concerts to adventures on the Gorge, to laughter in the purest of forms, to adorable babies being born, to Taylor Swift jam sessions with my twin for an entire month, to late night drives, to road trips, to my very first date, to Portland trips that turn into disasters- but fun nonetheless; I love just plain enjoying the life that God has given me. I’m so incredibly thankful for that. What an honor it is to have this life and to get the chance to live it to the fullest. Thank you to anyone who makes my life incredible. I love you all so much. Thank you, Jesus that you lived, died, and rose again so that we can have the life that we have. For giving your life so that we have the opportunity to live to the fullest extent.

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