It's November 2nd and as I strolled into Starbucks this morning, I was SLAPPED in the face with red and green.
Don't get me wrong, I am an AVID Christmas music listener (we're talking middle of August and "JINGLE BELLS" is blaring from my car speakers, ok?) I am clearly, ALL for it.
However, if you are reading this from the US, you are likely aware of the consumerism that the holidays bring. While I love a good peppermint mocha and all those crazy sales that take place just hours after the turkey is consumed on Thanksgiving day, we have got to take a second and pause. It is time to stop and remember what we are thankful for, not just on the day, but all month, heck, all year long.
What better way to do this than with a gratitude journal?
That's right ladies and gents, it is time to document those things. Not just once, but every day.
Wake up and set your heart in the right place.
Write down what you are thankful for and remind yourself of all the beauty that is around you in this crazy world.
I wish I could tell you that I leap out of bed each day with a grateful heart.
The truth is, I just don't.
Life hits ya, you get knocked down, and man, oh man, are there some tough days.
However, remembering what we have to be thankful for each day, is one of the many ways we could be more positive human beings.
In case you need me to get you started, here are a few reasons to feel the gratitude of this holiday!
Shoes on your feet
We don't think about something like the shoes on our feet very often. We get ready, slip those bad boys on, and run out the door! It turns out, these little feet protectors are pretty valuable. Not everyone in the world has access to these gems, take a peek into your closet and be thankful for your shoes today and all of the cool places your feet can take you because of them!
Clean water
Yes, my friend, clean water is oh so important! We actually NEED to be hydrated. Holy bananas, I am grateful to live somewhere where we have access to this! It is something I know I take for granted each day. It's time to be grateful for this!
Food on the table
I think this is one that we do actually hear every Thanksgiving. However, I often forget that so many people have to travel far for their meals. Some don't get meals at all. Yet, all we have to do, most of the time, is wander through a grocery store.
The ability to get an education
School is something so valuable. The ability to read and write and do some math can take you SO far! I had no clue up until a few years ago that many people don't get access to an education! This is something that should hit us hard! It is such an honor to get an education!
There you have it, 4 simple things to start off your gratitude list! Even if you don't have all 4 of these, find 4 that you do! This world is full of good things when we look for them!
You are loved!