1) The players involved
Friendsgiving: you are surrounded by people you actually want to see. You chose these people so you are much more likely to be satisfied by your social conversations.
Thanksgiving: you are surrounded by family...enough said
2) Attire
Friendsgiving: you can wear whatever you want — sweatpants and leggings here I come!
Thanksgiving: let's break out the pantyhose! Matching dresses and button down shirts, heels that make your feet cry, and the only reason we do this is to avoid the family gossip about who looks the worst.
3) The TV program
Thanksgiving: football
(one place where we all agree)
4) The main course
Friendsgiving: Turkey, a few sides, maybe stuffing — this all really depends on who your friends with. Pick your friends wisely.
Thanksgiving: 100-year-old secret family recipes. Grandma's homemade stuffing that no one really knows what’s in it. Fresh baked rolls (if you're in my family they have to be burnt), homemade mashed potatoes and squash. And so much food everyone will be eating leftovers for weeks.
5) Dessert
Friendsgiving: store bought pie, cookies maybe some cupcakes. Again choose your friends wisely
Thanksgiving: Grandma's famous homemade pie with crust to die for and the entire thing is gone in 10 minutes, cookies, cake, more pie, brownies, and again enough leftovers to last weeks.
Overall, Friendsgiving takes home the turkey in guests and attire. Thanksgiving takes the stuffing in food, and desert. So put on that itchy sweater, bring some flats, fake smile through the uncomfortable dinner talk. Thanksgiving is all about the food. You get the day out of work/school just to eat, that is the entire point of this holiday. So suck it up and have some pie. Granny will be happy.