If you know me at all, you know I refuse to skip the Thanksgiving celebrations and go straight from Halloween to Christmas. In case you're confused about what I'm talking about, take a peek at my article here.
One of the reasons I love Thanksgiving (other than spending time with family and being thankful of course) is THE FOOD. I look forward to gaining at least 10 pounds at the dinner table every year, and I will throw a fit if a dish is missing...just ask my Grammy. Since Thanksgiving is just a few days away, I wanted to rank my top ten favorite dishes for you, and I expect a full-blown debate/argument in the comments. Ready, set, go!
grilled chicken on black and silver grill
Photo by Ashim D'Silva on Unsplash
10. Turkey
I shared my opinion that ham is better than turkey on Facebook not too long ago and received a decent amount of backlash for it. I would way rather eat ham than turkey and I've felt passionately about this for so long. Don't come at me because you're not going to change my mind.
sliced green vegetables
Photo by Meghan Schiereck on Unsplash
9. Green Beans
I love green beans as much as the next person, but as far as Thanksgiving goes, this holiday is for the pros. I eat this veggie regularly and see nothing special about it for the specific season.
yellow corn in close up photography
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash
8. Corn
Whether it's on the cob or creamed, I have the same reasoning for corn as I had for green beans, only I like corn more. No hard feelings, I'd just rather spice up my plate and save some room for the better dishes out there.
brown bread on white ceramic plate
Photo by Karolina Kołodziejczak on Unsplash
7. Rolls
Honestly, I'm a huge bread gal. However, I feel like rolls are just kind of there when it comes to this holiday feast. They serve as a nice side, and they're just kind of happy to be there. We're happy to have you, rolls.
File:Mash Potatoes.jpg - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org
6. Mashed Potatoes
Here we go, onto the better dishes. I absolutely love mashed potatoes, and no matter the season, I can't get enough of them. I think when you make them just right, they definitely compliment your entire meal.
closeup photo of sliced pie on white ceramic saucer
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
5. Pumpkin Pie
While this is more of a dessert and less of a dish for your main course (although, I suppose it could be eaten with dinner) I definitely enjoy pumpkin pie. Nothing says Thanksgiving quite like it. Don't forget a small dollop of Cool Whip on top!
macaronis in bowl on plate
Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash
4. Macaroni and Cheese
Mac 'n cheese is actually one of my favorite dishes of all time. I would eat it as a side with every meal if I was allowed to, and the holiday season means I get my Grammy's extra creamy mac 'n cheese.
Spiral Ham | Thanksgiving handa | pulaw | Flickrwww.flickr.com
3. Ham
Y'all already know how I feel about ham. It's better than turkey, period. It's juicier, and it has more flavor, and anyone who disagrees can be wrong.
2. Broccoli Rice Casserole
This one might not be a dish you're familiar with because I'm not quite sure how popular it is, but it's an Aunt Rosie specialty. She's the original BRC Queen. It's exactly what it sounds like, and it is SO good. I could eat an entire plate of it and not get sick of it. It's also the dish I was VERY upset about the one year it was not brought to Thanksgiving. And see, it's so good that there isn't even and image for it!
File:2019-11-28 14 37 46 A bowl of stuffing laid out for ...commons.wikimedia.org
1. Dressing
Finally, we have my favorite. We call it dressing, but many people call it stuffing. I've learned the major difference is that dressing is cooked on its own in a separate pan, and stuffing is actually stuffed into the turkey and cooked with it. Regardless, it is my absolute favorite Thanksgiving dish, and my stomach is growling just talking about it.
No matter the dishes you serve for Thanksgiving, this holiday is the perfect time to gather with your loved ones and remember everything you are thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving!