As we come to the end of October, we're already reminded by Rite Aid and Walmart that another holiday is around the corner. Turkey decals, harvest wreaths and other Thanksgiving-themed decorations are popping up on shelves.
For most, this time of year is meant for family gatherings and gossip, preparing for the infamous Black Friday and, above all else, the food. Stuffed turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, pumpkin pie, the whole nine yards.
While this gluttonous celebration is widely inflated all across the country, not everyone is so comfortable with it. As someone with an eating disorder, every year I dread the holiday dedicated to gaining five pounds in turkey weight. Though I've already written an article about what not to say to someone with an eating disorder, I feel that it's increasingly important to remind everyone to be a little mindful of their manners this upcoming holiday.
1. Do not make any comments on someone's weight!
Honestly, this doesn't apply to just those with an eating disorder. Sure, Thanksgiving does include quite a bit of feasting, but that doesn't make it any more OK to point out if a relative has gained weight. There's never any circumstance under which that's cool to do.
2. Do not force anyone to eat!
Again, this doesn't apply to just those with eating disorders, but it's still important to note. I've had this happen to me before, and it's one of the worst feelings in the world. If someone doesn't want to eat, then they don't want to eat. End of story. Using punishment as a means of making someone finish their meal is a really gross thing to do. So don't do it!
3. Do not make any comment on how much a person is eating!
This is more specific to someone with an eating disorder. Naturally, these individuals are incredibly sensitive about how much they eat and what they eat. Don't add to that pressure by monitoring how dirty or clean their plate is. Quite frankly, it is none of your business to keep track of this anyway unless you are their nutritionist.
4. Do not talk about anything related to eating disorders!
Believe me, they are already thinking about it. Unless they specifically bring up this topic, keep your mouth shut. No one likes being reminded of their life-threatening illness without warning, no matter how far along in recovery they are.
For those of you with eating disorders, do not force yourself to eat if you don't think you can do it. Go at your own pace. If you decide you can't finish the meal, excuse yourself and relax as best you can. There is no shame in walking away for a minute to get your thoughts under control. You are loved and you are strong.
Remember, if you need help, please reach out to the National Eating Disorders Association or call them at (800) 931-2237.