If you've seen so much as one episode of the always entertaining Bob's Burgers, you probably know how Bob Belcher feels about Thanksgiving. If you haven't gotten to know the incredible world of the Belcher fam yet, Thanksgiving is literally Bob's favorite day of the entire year. So when thinking of an article for the week of Thanksgiving, it seemed only right to let Bob help me tell the story.
1. The Initial Excitement
Food, family, a week off of school... It's great! Right?
2. The Realization You'll Spend The Whole Time Prepping For Finals
At least 4 projects that have been put off all semester, 6 papers (also put off all semester), 5 tests to study for, and one college student who just desperately wants to eat turkey and sleep. This is a terrible combination, and if one more person asks you how excited you are to "relax" you're going to cry.
3. Remembering You'll Still Get To Eat Food
So. Much. Food.You're going to head back to campus loaded with enough leftovers to skip the dining hall for at least a week (more if your grandma gets her way) and it's going to be glorious.
4. That One Relative Who Puts Something Weird In A Traditional Recipe
Sugar in the Deviled Eggs????? What blasphemy is this?!?! I know everyone makes things a little differently, but that's just gross. No Deviled Eggs for me this year, I guess...5. Trying Not To Look Like You Know Your Way Around The Liquor
No, Grandma, I've never done a shot before, it was all Uncle Joe's idea! Mom, of course I was kidding about that story you heard me telling my little sister.
6. In The Line For Food Like
Now you're in the weird position of being old enough that you have to line up behind the kids so you'll need to entertain yourself. Singing is a great option for entertainment, but making funny faces at your baby cousin works too.
7. Thinking About The Trauma Your Stomach Is About To Endure
You are about to overeat so bad, and you only care a little. Yes you'll probably be a mess, moaning on the floor, in a few hours but for now these mashed potatoes are everything.
8. When The Conversation Inevitably Turns To Politics
Please, whichever deity is listening, let me get through this dinner without learning exactly how many of my family members voted for Trump. If not that, let them at least be behaved enough that I can't win a round of "Casual Racism Bingo."
9. By The End Of The Night...
Too much food, too many tipsy relatives, and way too many questions about your future later, you're ready to go back to campus and plow through the end of the semester. Studying for yet another psychology final sounds infinitely better than explaining to your great-aunt Betty AGAIN that no your tattoo doesn't mean you worship Satan and kill babies.
10. But When Push Comes To Shove
They may drive you insane, but it's great to see your family and spend time with the people you miss while you're trying to survive the semester. So take a few deep breaths, and remember that you're only here for a little while.