As Thanksgiving Break approached, I became more and more excited to finally return home to see my wonderful friends and family who I missed so very much. Daily group chats of plans and texts of endearment increased my urge to head on a plane back to New Jersey. Although my excitement grew as the days approached friday, thoughts of uncertainty lingered in the back of my mind like "who would I see?" or "how am I going to have enough time to balance all of my plans"? Faded friendships and boys of summer's past were also a main concern. I kept replaying scenarios of how these interactions would take place and if there was anyway I could alleviate some of the anticipated tension. When it finally came time for me to return home, I was greeted with an extensive list of get togethers and parties from my mother and close friends. After a major scheduling session, I finally felt comfortable enough to navigate my time at home with ease. Something I didn't realize is that this break would teach me that it doesn't matter where you attend college, everyone's freshman experience is more or less exactly the same. For the next 9 days I would be faced with the never ending comment of "OMG you look like you're thriving!" To which I would respond with one of the presets, "yes I love it!", "so do you!", or even the occasional "I can't wait to go back!" Little did they know, I was lying to their faces. Elon had given me exactly what I needed in my first few months, but for some reason the thought of going back made me extremely sad. At night, I laid awake in my bed wondering why this was the case. Aside from a stressful roommate swap and tremendous workload, Elon and my amazing friends here made the first semester a great experience. After some further contemplation and a long car ride of bawling my eyes out with my best friend Jordan, I knew that the only way I would find out what was making me so upset was to give the school another chance. Being babied and fed delicious home-cooked meals was lovely for that week but coming back made me realize why I was so uneasy. Although I am apart of Elon as a whole, I never truly found a place on campus to call my own. So now i'm taking the reins of my college experience and exploring all the ways I can become a part of something bigger than myself. Here through the Odyssey, I' beginning that journey. So welcome reader, you're in for a wild ride.
In this post, I uncover the lies we all tell our friends when coming back home from college.