"This Thanksgiving I hope you avoid the tragedy of different foods touching each other on your plate."
Ah, it's finally here. The day when we stuff our faces with meat and pie, then we sleep on the couch to reenergize for Black Friday. Someone once brought to my attention that Thanksgiving is just the one time in life that we are thankful and then twelve hours later we go back to being the normal, greedy humans that we usually are. I disagree with that. Thanksgiving is about family, traditions, and buying presents for family on Black Friday.
Thanksgiving to me is not just a day in which I stuff my face with food (even though that is one of the main reasons why I like it), but it's the one time of year that everything does not seem as chaotic. There is usually less drama--I do not know if there is less drama because the turkey makes my entire family go into a food coma, or if it's because there is Xanax stuffed in the turkey (just kidding Mema would never do such a thing.) It is not that my family is all drama the rest of the year, it's just that Thanksgiving seems like such a mellow and relaxing holiday (please do not prove me wrong this year). I enjoy being with my family on Thanksgiving and hearing what they are the most thankful for. It really puts perspective on each member of my family and that is why I enjoy it so much.
One of my favorite Thanksgiving Traditions, besides eating, is watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the Thanksgiving episodes of "Friends". I love watching the floats go downtown. There is no telling how much time and money they spend on these floats for one time but I think it is awesome. I have always loved parades and the Macy's Parade is definitely one of my favorites. The other tradition is also one of my favorites because I think it is so funny to watch Monica put a turkey on her head and dance in front of Chandler and then he tells her he loves her. It pretty much starts their journey for the rest of the show. I also think it's hilarious when they all play football outside and it's guys versus girls. The reason why "Friends" is so great is because it is relatable. Everyone has that group of friends that feels like family. That is what makes the show so timeless and a part of my Thanksgiving Tradition.
Now, my mom and I have been Black Friday shopping for years. I look forward to it every year and I think of it as a holiday in its own. I love it because I am a shopper. Not only am I a shopper, but I am a shopper who likes to save money. The more money I save, the more stuff I can buy. It is simply a win win! Yet, I usually wind up buying more things for myself than for my family. It sounds selfish, but it is part of it. The best tradition of Black Friday is when mom and I go eat at Steak 'n Shake at 3 A.M. A double 'n cheese has never tasted so good!
Some people say that one has to be crazy to go Black Friday shopping; I say that the best people are crazy. We go out right after we bond with our family members and buy Christmas presents galore. It's fantastic! Everyone is there for one purpose--to buy something for themselves and to buy something for their family. I think it is sweet to know that people care enough to go and buy all kinds of neat presents at midnight until the late morning just for their people. If that does not represent commitment and love then I really do not know what does.
So, this Thanksgiving I challenge you to go out and enjoy your family. Take a nap with your dad on the couch, watch the Macy's day parade, watch some football, watch "Friends", eat good food, listen to stories, and hug your family a little tighter.