I think we can all agree that 2016 has been a whirlwind of emotions, events, and everything in between. But yet, there are always things to be thankful for, even if some of them don't relate to this extremely...odd year:
1. The Break-Up of Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift
Sorry Hiddleswift-ers, we all knew that wouldn't last (thank God).
2. Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar
Even though Tumblr is mourning the loss of those hilarious Oscar-less Leo memes, we can all agree that it's about damn time!!!
3. Our Freedom of Speech
This past election was k.i.l.l.e.r. Hurtful things are still going around Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites about out president-elect - Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the people who took part in the voting for either party - or even the people who decided to vote third-party or not at all. But it comes down to this: we have the freedom in this country where our voice is heard. And if we don't like how our voices were represented in this election, then we have the freedom of speech to voice it wherever we want. Our forefathers and other astonishing men and women alike that lived before us worked so hard to get us these freedoms. Let us never take them for granted.
4. Family Time Including Out of Town Best F(amily)riends and Little, Precious, Squishy Babies
Some of my family members have moved fairly far away and Thanksgiving and Christmas are the only times I really get to spend time with them. I know a lot of people can relate. Cherish every moment you can with those you love - and if you have little ones in your family as well, hug them extra tight.
5. Harambe
6. The Disappearance of the Evil Clowns
Remember the time that clowns took over a terrorized America? Did that even happen? We haven't heard a peep about them in so long - maybe it was all just a weird dream.
7. Failed Holiday Pictures
It was probably Dad's fault, let's be honest. But we love him anyway.
8. Upstate New York Fall Foliage
New York State - especially upstate - is known for it's breathtaking fall foliage. There's still a chance to go see it! Don't miss out!
9. Our Safety
Every day I go through life in my own little world, most times oblivious to the fact that I'm safe, sound, and secure. And I'll be honest with you - I take it for granted becuase I don't even realize it. We are so abundantly blessed with safety in our everyday lives and most times, we don't even think to see it.
So, this holiday season, look back at 2016. What a crazy ride it's been. And it's still not over. But count your blessings; we had Harambe, killer clown are gone, and we can rest assured knowing that we will always have the right to say what we want, when we want, thanks to our forever Freedom of Speech. Happy Holidays and enjoy the rest of what 2016 may throw at you.