Going through a rough week, I didn't want to find the light in it all. I wanted to sit on my bed and think about everything that I have ever done wrong and wallow in my feelings, instead of continuing to live as if nothing was wrong. Except, what I didn't know is that I could continue to live, know that there was something bothering me, but not let it overcome and define who I am. That's exactly what my sorority sisters helped me do.
Sitting on the couch, trying to fall asleep after a rough day, I found myself being dragged to Target, Victoria's Secret, and to a cupcake shop. Did I want to go? Absolutely not. I wanted to sit around and do nothing; it's what I thought was the only thing fit enough for me to do. Did my sisters care about what I 'wanted' to do? Absolutely not--they knew what was best for me and never stopped caring.
And when I came back from the dreaded trip of facing the real world? I went into my room and saw a card, candy, and a stuffed animal lining the comforter of my bed. Unable to comprehend why someone would be that nice to me after I didn't want to do anything in the world and felt like I had let everyone down was beyond my understanding. However, I couldn't have been more surprised and have never felt that loved.
My sisters helped me open up and talk about my feelings, introduced me to some wonderful people, and helped me continue to be myself. Although the days were still difficult, they encouraged me to eat by taking me out and ordering the only thing I could fathom getting down. We made gingerbread houses, sang songs, and had major bonding time. I was surprised with more cards and made new friends that I wish to keep knowing better.
And now a full week that was so incredibly difficult from Monday to Sunday is over. It's a new week, full of support by my sisters while I have to trudge through finals. Even though I know it's going to be stressful to get through the next few weeks before we get to go home to our families, I know that if I need anything, my sisters will be right there with me.