Dear Running Shoes,
We've been faced with the ups and the downs, the twists and the turns, the highs and the lows, the rises and the falls. Literally and figuratively, we've made it through them all. Let's face it, we are soulmates. In light of the holiday season, I'd say it's time to thank you. But where do I even begin?!
Thank you for creating my safe haven.
Thank you for shaking out the jitters when I'm excited, nervous, sad, stressed, or anxious.
Thank you for training my body to know that tough times don’t last, but tough people do.
Thank you for helping me shed negative energy.
Thank you for showing me that not everything that is good for me always feels good for me.
Thank you for teaching me dedication. That what ever I get out of something depends on how much I put into it.
Thank you for lasting through treadmills, hills, roads, trails, and everything in between.
Thank you for sitting by my front door, guilting me into a long run when all I want to do is sleep.
Thank you for giving me a high that makes me feel on top of the world.
Thank you for burning off that second dinner I had last night.
Thank you for pushing me through endless physical and mental pain.
Thank you for letting me throw you in the closet when I thought I was done with you, and for still being there when I realized I never could be.
Thank you for showing me that pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit.
Thank you for reminding me that even on my worst days, running will make it all better.
Thank you for consistency, for teaching me that if I keep going, I’ll get there.
Thank you for being ready at the crack of dawn to lace up.
Thank you for keeping me sane.
Thank you for being my free form of therapy.
Thank you for leading me to new friends.
Thank you for giving me a way to spend time with friends and family.
Thank you for bringing me a team that has become my family.
Thank you for pushing me through mud, cold, heat, dirt, sand, snow, rain, and sunshine.
Thank you for keeping my head up, and heart strong.
Thank you for teaching me that I’m running for myself, and nobody else.
Thank you for waiting for me through injuries and bringing me back to life after recovering from them.
Thank you for bringing me pure joy.
Thank you for being my escape when I felt there was none.
Thank you for supporting me through endless mileage, blood, sweat, and tears.
Thank you for getting me across the finish line, every time, no matter what.
Thank you for being my most constant companion.
Thank you for teaching me to never give up.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for giving me running.
Until next time (tomorrow),
Your extremely sore, extremely happy, extremely grateful, runner.