"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun."
Coming to college I heard all the crazy roommate stories. The stories where one roommate steals everything, stinks up the room with weird food, never goes to class, stays up all night, or just never stays in the dorm. Yes, I was more than hesitant when I decided to look to Facebook for a roommate instead of just rooming with an old friend from high school. Little did I know, I would get the best roommate and friend out of it. I want to use this article to thank my roomie from the bottom of my heart.
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Thank you for listening to me complain. No matter what it is, you are always there to talk. Whether it’s about a nutty professor, a certain boy, how I'm always hungry, or just about how tired I am in the morning. You deal with all the crazy. The funniest moments are when we tell embarrassing, funny, cute, dumb stories from childhood to now with each other, no matter how many times we repeat the same thing. Thanks for just listening to me in general and always getting up from what you are doing just to come watch a dumb video I want you to see from YouTube or Facebook. Without you, who knows where I would be this year. Thanks for dealing with my loud hyper moods, loud music, and loud shower talks during quiet hours. Thanks for dealing with my hunger strikes from the dining hall and going to get smoothies, Chipotle or Bagel Street instead.
Coming to college has been a big change. Transitioning at the beginning was more difficult than expected, but having a friend and roommate like you around definitely helped. Sharing a space of five by five feet with another person can be interesting, but we’ve made it work. We have gotten to know so many things about each other. You with your morning coffee and coconut oil routine, what we look like with horrible bed head, and what snacks I keep under my bed or you keep in your drawer. This roommate thing has been nothing shy of a great new adventure.
Living with you, there has never been a dull moment. I can’t think of a day you didn’t make me laugh at least once and I’m more than grateful for that. I’m still surprised you agreed to be my roommate. Like, how did I even convince you to live with me for an entire year? Oh well, I’m glad I did. You’ve gotten to know my love for wall décor, endless amounts of clothing I don’t need, and online proposals and wedding videos I get way too emotional over. I’m sorry for bringing too much, but you can never have enough shoes, tank tops, pictures and warm sweaters.
Since we’ve lived together, maybe there has been times of annoyance, but we’ve never had an actual fight. Sorry for those annoying moments, but you gotta have a couple of those memories, right? This year many challenges have been thrown our way, but we are strong and through it all we have had each other’s backs. Just know that no matter where we are in life, if you ever need to talk, cry or laugh, I’m always going to be here for you.
Even though we have been living together for months, I’m so excited for what the rest of the year will bring. We as freshman have conquered this year and made it our own. It has been so fun sharing memories and laughter with you. I can’t believe how fast this year has gone already. I am so thankful for you, roomie, not only have you made college so much better, but you have made life better too. You have become a lifelong friend in a short period of time. I am so glad I was blessed with your company and friendship. Even though we won’t be able to share a tiny room together next year, I know we will always be friends. I could never have asked for a better first college roommate than you. Thanks for sharing a shoe box with me. We’ve made memories I’ll never forget, and I can’t wait to see what both our futures hold.
Just a couple memories: Ordering Chinese and watching Dr. Phil (Cash me Ousside, How Bow Dah), Buzzfeed videos on YouTube, morning coffee, you never wearing pants from day one, stealing an inflatable bear from the boys down the hall, bonding the first day because of an interesting girl in our dorm, Dad’s Weekend, you always giving my friends pillows when they stay over, losing my scissors, our air conditioning spitting ice chunks, you constantly singing, chugging water bottles, FaceTime with Jeremy, feeling sorry for each other when the other is sick, Charcoal face masks, and so many more.
Thanks for a great first year, friend.