Dads get a lot of credit. They even have their own holiday. Too often, brothers get overlooked. They don't get the recognition they deserve and that's a shame.
At the end of the day, while your father may be a key figure in your life, the person who's going to stand by you through thick and thin is your brother.
Your brother really is the most important man in your life and deserves to be recognized for everything he does.
Thank you for knowing when someone isn't good enough.
Whenever you go through a break-up, your brother will be the first person to put it in perspective by reminding you that the guy "was a loser anyway" or was "too dumb" for you.
Oddly enough, when the tears dry, you'll realize he was actually right.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally.
You might be daddy's little girl, but be honest, he doesn't know half of what you've really been up to. Whereas, your brother will hold the window for you while you sneak out.
He's seen you at your worst and knows everything about you, and still loves you.
Thank you for always defending me.
Who needs a bodyguard when you have a brother? He's always ready to jump to your defense at a moments notice. He's been playing your knight way before the prince decided to show up.
Thank you for being on the same page and speaking my language.
Have you ever tried to be discreet with a friend and they just don't catch on? With your brother, you never have that problem.
You can communicate with a look (think Bridesmaids) and automatically know what the other is thinking. You have the same slang and so many inside jokes that it's basically your own language.
Thank you for always making me laugh.
In addition to speaking the same language, you have the same sense of humor. You grew up with the same jokes and watching the same comedians. You can feel free to laugh about and share things with your brother that other people might judge you for, because he'll probably find it funny too.
Thank you for keeping my secrets.
Your brother knows that you've had your fair share of embarrassing moments, and while he teases you mercilessly for them, he'll never expose you. You're safe with him even at your low points.
Thank you for being able to pick up anytime, even if you haven't talked in weeks.
You don't have to work on keeping your relationship with your brother alive. You can count on him to pick up the phone whether you talked two hours ago or two months ago.
Thank you for being my best friend.
Your brother is the only person who will stop at the store and get your favorite snack or cancel his plans because none of your friends can hang out. He'll even run boring errands with you and sing in the car when you've had a bad day.
If this sounds like your brother, call him and let him know that you appreciate everything he does. It's time brothers get the recognition they deserve.