As I sat on my couch and watched the ball drop, extremely sick and mildly jealous of everyone who was ringing in the New Year with good friends, family and/or parties, I decided to take a look back on 2015, and look back I did. I thought of every moment, big or small, popular or personal, good or bad. I left no stone unturned (no matter how sad or mortifying, since everyone wishes to forget things that make them feel that way) and came to the conclusion that 2015 was not an easy year; not for the world, not for the nation, and not for me. It seems this year had plenty of hardships for everyone, but rather than wishing these 365 days away with a bitter taste in our mouths, we should be grateful for the opportunities these days gave us to grow and become better people.
Now, I know that is easier said than done. This has been a tough year, with an intense focus on political correctness, strained race relations, police brutality, mass shootings, the unfolding of the Bill Cosby case, the Syrian refugee crisis, terror attacks and ISIS's growing power, among many other things taking center stage in our news cycle. With such painful, critical things occurring in the world, it is hard not to be consumed with the negativity of it all, which can affecta person with their own struggles. As an avid consumer of news (due to my personal need to be informed), I particularly felt the weight of this negativity, especially in a year of great change and upheaval for me with the loss of a loved one, the demise of my relationship with my first love, my constant battle and adjustment with my ADHD in college, and struggling to find my path to my future (among other things that aren't necessary mentioning as I think my struggles have been made clear). It was hard not to buy into a bleak, bitter outlook on life and the world, and looking back there were times that I did.
However, I survived. Though my pain and struggles that at times consumed me and were almost unbearable, I am still here. And the world, despite all of the dark, horrid things that have occurred throughout 2015, is still turning. Refugees are slowly finding homes, Paris is healing after not one but two terror attacks, and Bill Cosby was charged. Yes, not everything that has occurred has been put right, and it is too early to say if it will be, but despite that, life has gone on. Life will go on. That's why we shouldn't be bitter about 2015, because it taught us to be strong and to keep moving forward. It taught us that no matter how hard life beats you down, you can choose to let it break you or make you better. Life, at times, can be sad, dark or frightening, but if you let the negativity motivate you to be better rather than bring you down, that's the first step to making the world, at the very least your own life, bright again.
So, thank you, 2015, and let 2016 be better.
The many people whom this past year has made better.