When I say some of you have saved my life, you have honestly saved my life.
There has been moments in my life when I didn't want to continue on this earth. I was really struggling with myself mentally. My world was turned upside down and the water was continuously flowing down. The first couple of months in 2017 were awful. I was very miserable from a relationship, family problems, I had gained weight because I stress ate, and I was little without a job.
The miserable relationship kind of branched into other problems, depression which I usually struggle with, but this was a bad flare up, and I was even starting to see my grades in school deflect on it. I didn't take care of myself at all. It was so bad I wouldn't even brush my hair and my hair would knot up.
At that point I realized I needed a complete change. I went into a mental restoration. This is when my support system started to come in and my life changed. All at once I started hanging out with a group of people who actually cared for me.
Yes I had friends from high school and my younger years and they were amazing and still are, but these were my college friends. We all know how it feels to make your first group of college friends. They honestly helped heal me from my pain.
At this time I even got a job and met countless of other friends on top of that. All over these span of months I blossomed into someone I never thought I'd achieve. I saved up a lot of money and got my own place, I lost weight, and I became happy. Throughout my 2017 year I went through it but I gained so much support from people I met and people I already knew. New people come into my life almost every month and it keeps me happy to be able to grow with someone friendship wise. I can even shine some light on some of my family members, who have supported me and been there for me every step of the way. Knowing you have support is one of the best feelings you can have.
All of this can rewind to now, where I get to express my appreciation. All of you know who you are. Thank you so much for being there for me when I thought I had no one but myself.
Also to when I expected to officially be done with life but up grew your spouts of love and light. It may not seem like much but just asking how I am or sending me a meme you thought was funny means the world to me in ways you do not know. I know I can get through anything with my support system. You give me hope and help me radiate positivity and love.
And to the people who I haven't met yet but who will be in my life: I can't wait.