I didn't know how to properly thank you for all that you've done for not only me but for the rest of my family as well. You've honestly have changed my life for the better and gave me something that I've always been dying for since birth.....A Father. It has been a hard road for me in terms of having a good father figure in my life.
My real dad wasn't really a part of my life ever since he decided to leave my mom before I was born and since then have never really been consistently in my life even when I was born.
Yeah, I had a few male role models that could've been good candidates, but let's say that some of them haven't been all that kind to my mom as far as I can remember, and were probably good dads in the sense of being there for me and my brothers but wasn't a father in the sense of not only taking care of me and my brothers making sure we're good but also loving my mom to her fullest.
Especially a relationship I remember my mom being in for the longest time that wasn't healthy for her. It was rough seeing that at a young age too, so much arguing and fighting. It was not good, but I don't know in the end I always knew that things will get better; I just didn't know when that would happen. Then you showed up in my life in the year 2013 I believe.
Mind you I was just starting high school, and recently witnessed my mom finally get out of a toxic relationship, so my views on the men my mom had in her life changed dramatically. I was very cautious and a bit protective too.
I remember when I first met you, I didn't know who you were, you were a bit intimidating, and didn't really trust you all that well even though the first thing you did was tell me and my brothers to call you Al from now on. It really didn't hit me then as it does now, but I didn't know that was a sign that things will be better in the future and they were.
You started being the father and person we needed in our life. You've been there for us through our good times and bad, gave me advice when I need it, gave me and my brothers the foundation needed to be able to stand on our own two feet, inspiring us to do better, being mindful of the people we have in our lives and treating them with respect, but most importantly gave me something that I've always needed and that was being the father I needed in my life.
A father that sticks with me on my bad days with my heart condition, give me a solid foundation on what it really means to be a good man, giving me advice on girls (hahaha), planting nuggets of advice in me when it comes to doing what I love, and focusing on that rather than worrying about finding someone.
You helped patched a hole in my heart that took a long time filling, and it what has helped me a lot in my journey. I will always love you Al for it, and appreciate all that you have done for me and my family. Never stop being there for us, and thank you for giving us something that we needed most.....A stable family.