When you go to college at first, it may seem scary, especially meeting your roommate. But soon, they will become your best friend. Whether you come from the same city or you just met five minutes ago, that bond is unbreakable. They are there to hear you vent, laugh with (or at) you, and be that shoulder you need to lean on when times get tough. So to my roommate (Daniel, you are included also) thank you.
Dear roomie,
First of all, thank you for agreeing to put up with my crazy self (I really don’t know how you do it). I know living with me can be difficult, but somehow we manage to coexist in a somewhat peaceful environment. You are probably one of the few people who still talks to me after seeing how “unique” and “abnormal” I really am, but yet you still love me.
Thank you for fueling my Netflix addiction. I just couldn’t imagine watching "The Office" (with my hometown commentary) with anyone else. Also, thanks for shutting off the TV after I fall asleep because no matter how many times I say I won’t, you know I will.
Thanks for being there when life happens and I fall flat on my face. We all have those days. Through it all, you are there to offer a shoulder to cry on, advice, or just a Justin Bieber song.
Thank you for stepping in as the parent. From the "stern mother" to the "dumbfounded father," you seem to know just what to say. You always give it to me straight and you always make sure I haven’t done anything stupid.
Thank you for being on top of my schedule and for motivating me to complete the tasks at hand. It is because of you that I remember my responsibilities and to occasionally shower (kidding, I shower every day). Thank you for worrying about me when I’m not home yet, and for making sure I go to bed at a semi-decent hour. Well, by decent, I mean not staying up past midnight.
Thank you for bringing joy to my life, for keeping me entertained, and for enduring the quirkiness. Living with people who know how to make you laugh makes life a lot easier. So thank you for always keeping the weird selfies I take on your phone and for somehow always managing to catch my most unflattering self on video (Danny, this one is definitely you).
Most importantly, thank you for not judging me. As roommates, we see the good, the bad and the very ugly. However, you accept me when I dress like a homeless person and when I pretend that I am a model in Paris Fashion Week. You are always there to give that much-needed opinion or quizzical look on whether my clothes really match or my shoes are on the right feet.
Whether you know it or not, you have become one of my best friends. Living together may not always be picture perfect, but nothing in life ever is. I’m sorry for every time I have gotten on your nerves and have caused you to question my sanity. There is no one else in this world who could put up with me like you do and I am so thankful. You are one of a kind, but I love you.
The hot mess you share a room with