Take a moment to reflect on the things you love and tell them.
1. My parents and my brother
Andrea Iragorri
Most importantly, the people who created and raised me. We have had many ups an downs. I have gone through periods where I resented my parents, I'd go as far as to say, I convinced myself I hated them. I regret that. Only because I was so focused on myself I did not see them for who they were. Even knowing I felt such disdain for them, they supported me, they loved me even when it was very hard to.
My brother is very important to me. I have always wanted to protect him and I promised myself that I would. He is my baby and I love him.
2. My friends.
Andrea Iragorri
I have had the same groups of friends since sixth grade. Many have come and gone but there has been a select few that remain a large part of my life to this day. I am very thankful for them because they gave me strength when I had none. They supported me in a time where I was confused. It is very great to see each other grow up and do new things. We're mostly apart but our friendship transcends beyond that. I love them.
3. My boyfriend.
Andrea Iragorri
I have such a deep love and respect for my boyfriend. There are no words to encapsulate my appreciation, devotion and love for him. I am forever grateful for all the times we've had.
4. My cat.
I love her with all my heart. There is nothing like rushing home just to hear her purr at my arrival. I'm grateful for her because she gives me company and love.
And a lot of ripped up paper.