Having older siblings is both a blessing and a curse. It's more of a blessing than a curse the majority of time. I love my siblings even though they like to test my patience sometimes. I wouldn't want it any other way and with that being said I have a few things to thank them for.
1. Thank you for letting me be the annoying little sister that I know I was.
I know there were plenty of times growing up where I wanted to hang out with you and your friends and I bet it was really irritating. We can't forget the times that I was just plain annoying.
2. Thank you for showing me what not to do.
You were basically the test run. We all do stupid things. Its human nature. Since I'm the youngest I got to see you guys do all the stupid things growing up and learn from them.
3. Thank you for being some of my biggest fans.
Whether it was the one time I played sports or it was coming to my choir concerts you guys are always rooting for me. You guys are always proud of me no matter. From getting an A on a paper to something as easy as a good comeback lol
4. Thank you for loving me always.
No matter if I'm being the annoying little sister or not, I know that deep down you all still love me and would do anything for me. Even after all the arguments and all the times we were angry at each other we knew deep down we still loved each other. With loving me always comes protecting me and I know that y'all would take a bullet for me and I'd do the same for you.
5. Thank you for keeping up with me and keeping me in the loop with things.
With me being away from home, this one becomes more important now more than ever. Whether it's a quick text in our group chat, a phone call, or even a FaceTime it's the small things that make my day. I know sometimes keeping up with each other is hard since all of us are busy but somehow we make it work.
6. Thank you for picking on me while I was growing up.
It's no question when you have older siblings that you constantly get picked on no matter how old you are. Even though I hated you for it back then now I realized it made me stronger. After all, it helped me get a backbone and how not to take other peoples shit.
7. Thank you for teaching me some of the most valuable lessons in life.
From following my heart to how simple it is to have a good time. Sometimes all it takes is a frosting fight and some funny youtube.
8. Thank you for being a friend.
You were some of my first friends and I know that kinda sounds stupid after I talked about how I annoyed you all the time. Even know that were all grown up somehow you both always have a knack for knowing when I need you the most. Whether its a getaway from home or just someone to talk to.
9. Thank you for making me who I am today.
I know that our parents are apart of this too but if it weren't for you guys I know I wouldn't be the person I am today.