1. Thanks for having this section, which usually racked up an additional $50 to our purchases.
2. Thanks for always having the Spice Girls lollipops.
3. Thanks for having inflatable furniture in-stock all the time.
4. Thanks for these bags, Zenon really set the trend here... and it matched my furniture set so...
5. Still not sure why these were trendy, but thanks for trying.
6. Thanks for having door bells, so fab.
7. Thanks for making animal print appropriate on all things.
8. Thanks for Hit Clips, a.k.a. the original i-Pod.
9. Thanks for making your gift cards look chic.
10. Thanks for putting fake bras in the camis to boost self confidence.
11. Thanks for whatever these things are...
And these...
Oh and can't forget these.
12. Thanks for having this lil guy on everything.
13. Thanks for starting and promoting selfies with your photobooth.
14. Thanks for having an assortment of bedazzled, embroidered and glittered jeans.
15. Thanks for having every imaginable color of butterfly clips.
16. Thanks for the monthly catalog so I could prepare my mom's credit card.
17. Thanks for not changing your name until I was older, even though it was still heartbreaking.
18. Thanks for the memories, 10 years worth of clutter and glitter on all of my clothes XO.