Dear Ex,
I want to thank you for giving me the chance to be in love and man, was I in love. Although we are not together anymore, I hope you still remember the amazing memories we made, because after all we were just two kids in love. When I looked at you, I knew I was safe. Being in love is knowing that looking somebody in the eyes and getting that feeling, even if it was just for a few second, that you and your heart where exactly where you wanted to be. Thank you for being somebody who never failed to give me butterflies. Thank for staying in and just cuddling and watching movies with me on Friday nights. Thanks for that one time you “let me win” while playing video game. Thanks for looking at me nobody ever has before. Thank you for giving me the chance to know your family, they became like a second family to me and I cannot tell you how thankful I am for that to this day for that. Thank you for knowing exactly how to cheer me up, and for making me laugh until my stomach hurt on a daily basics. Thank you for being somebody I could be myself around from day one.
But mostly, thank you for being my best friend and my person. There was no better feeling than being in love with your best friend. Lastly, thank you for loving me back. So, good luck in the major leagues kiddo. When you get there just remember, I told you so.
Your first love