Dear 2016:
I never thought I would actually be taking the time to write this little letter to you but thank you for allowing me to grow.
This year you showed me strength with persevering through being chronically ill. You pushed me to keep my head up no matter what and to keep that smile on face. Mostly, you allowed me to not give up when many people wanted me to. Rather, I came out stronger than before and more determined than ever.
You showed me success but also failure. You allowed me to test the waters by taking on news jobs and classes. You allowed me to take risks and let myself be. However, the one thing that you revealed to me is that perfection does not exist. You broke this bubble of mine that I maintained since high school and finally allowed me to be at peace with myself, which is one of the greatest revelations you revealed to me.
2016, you also showed me love and heartbreak. You showed me what love is and what it truly means. You revealed to me that I am worthy of someone that will value my dark and bright days, my intelligence, and overachieving attitude. All of this was made possible through that one heartbreak, one that opened my eyes and showed me how to value myself. Thank you for bringing that experience into my life.
Most importantly 2016, you allowed me to put the past in the past. You allowed me to forget my past, make amends with those I have wronged, and forgive people who made decisions that impacted my life when I was young. You allowed me to not erase the past, but accept it and not hold onto it, I was finally able to let go this year.
This year, I found myself. It sounds cliché but in reality it is not. It is simply difficult to describe the transformation I went through but 2016 you finally allowed me to accept who I am and what my passions are. This has allowed me to pursue law school, continue working in writing, cut negative people out of my life, and surround myself with those who love and support me, all of which has allowed me to be content with who I am and my desire to make an impact in the world.
Moreover, thank you 2016 for allowing me to grow as person, granddaughter, and sister.
- Sarah (Sass)