As I was browsing Facebook one day, I came across a picture that had a quote related to mothers and a child written on it. It stated, "Dear Mom, I may not like you always. We may have arguments and fight sometimes, but there's one thing you should know. I love you always and forever." That quote could not have been truer. Growing up, I have slowly experienced every aspect. As a little girl, I know I was famous for being a brat and attitude was my middle name. Then, I became older and I learned new vocabulary and had no fear of speaking what I truly felt about a situation. This allowed us to argue more and more as the days passed on. Sadly, there are days we will never get back as I refused to talk to you some days after an argument. However, when I sit down and really think about the past 21 years, I realize how much I have taken you for granted. We will always have our arguments, we will always fight as we throw out our feelings on a topic, but I will forever be thankful for you and many other things.
Thank you for introducing me to the TV show "Friends." Not only have I discovered my favorite show, but it's something that keeps us linked together. From late nights watching it together, to when I entered college where we started texting each other the lines that were about to happen in the show at the same time. These nights happen consecutively.
Thank you for sitting out at my softball and soccer games, especially the ones that were over Mother's Day weekend. I know you, and most of the moms, wanted to do other things for your special day, but you were always there on the sidelines cheering me on.
Thank you for attending many, many concerts with me. They have mainly been country concerts, but we have thrown some Bon Jovi and Jonas Brothers in there. We never shy away from a good show together.
Thank you for the several late-night Applebee's trips that have become more and more frequent. We never could resist half price apps. Since we are talking about food, I may as well include a thank you for all the food you've bought me even as I am at school. You've already bought me Chinese food when I didn't want to go to the dining hall or ordered a pizza for me because I was too busy studying for finals that I forgot to eat.
Thank you for not letting distance be a factor when I was sick. Junior year of college, I was sick for a week straight. You drove to me one day to get me medicine, do a little grocery shopping, make me food and clean up my place a little bit.
Thank you for not letting distance be a factor at all. You have come to visit me numerous times and have always treated me to our favorite hibachi place. On top of that, you have already surprised me by bringing my best friend with you.
Thank you for not only buying me the necessities, but for all the things I want. I don't always need that shirt hanging up in the store, but sometimes you tell me to grab it anyway because it's your treat. Or, when I couldn't decide between two Steelers shirts, you bought both of them so I wouldn't have to decide.
Thank you for surprising me on my 21st birthday by reserving a hotel room at the casino, taking me to a fancy dinner and including a special champagne bottle with a note stating happy birthday.
Thank you for always encouraging me to never give up. You've been there for all the heartbreaks and somehow have always made sense of all of them. You're not afraid of telling me when you think a guy is no good for me. Also, outside of boys, you encourage me in my academics. No matter how swamped I get in schoolwork, you encourage me to power through.
Thank you for being so understanding and nonjudgmental. The things you and I talk about are, I'm sure, nothing other mothers and daughters talk about. I am allowed to be honest and open with you about everything and you don't judge me.
I know there's a lot that I am missing, but I also realize an article would never truly state how much I am thankful for you and everything you have done for me. Our relationship hasn't always been a smooth one, but it's a very loving one. Just remember that even when I am being stubborn and continuing on with my attitude, I always love you and would be lost with you.
Love always,
Your best friend