To my Dad,
A few weeks ago, when I was in an uncomfortable situation, I realized how lucky I am to have you. I'm so lucky that you raised me to be strong and that you raised me to do the right thing. I texted you that night and you told me you trusted me to make the right decisions and that's the exact moment I realized, you've always been right. I have always fought so hard to prove that I knew more in these situations, but I'm so lucky that you never let me run wild and punished me when I tried to. Thank you so much for teaching me how to grow up. You've spent the last 18 years watching me grow and molding me into the best person I could be. And I promise you, Dad, you have done an amazing job.
I see how hard you work: the countless hours you put in to support the family monetarily but all the love and support you pour out for us- it doesn't go unnoticed. Sometimes, it's under appreciated but I'm writing this to show you how grateful I am. I'm so grateful for all the years of you being on me in school; I wouldn't be at USF, on my way to a career that I love, if it wasn't for you. I'm so grateful for when you grounded me when I thought I was a little more grown than I was (seriously, thank you for never being the parent who buys the kids alcohol). I'm so grateful for the help on all my last minute assignments. I'm so grateful that you went to all the cheerleading competitions and all the chorus concerts, that you could. I'm so grateful that you always do the most to help me follow my dreams and reach my goals. I'm so grateful for all that you've done in raising me up and shaping me into the person I am today. All that you've done as a father, for the last 20 years, is more than enough reason for me to show you my gratitude.
You were my first hero, mentor, and friend. You're the strongest person I know; you are my protector, you make me feel safe. You are the best daddy a girl could ask for. Thank you for all that you do and all that you have done. I love you, Pops.