I am forever grateful for the endless amounts of things you have done to keep me sane. Sometimes life gets the best of any of us, but there's never a day one of you won't listen to me. I'm difficult sometimes, and I take my frustration out on those close to me, but that never fails you from being a shoulder to cry on.
Friends come and go, but I'm confident that you are friends to stay. There is no group of people I have felt more comfortable to enclose my toughest times and biggest secrets to. Without judgment, or maybe a little judgment at my stupidity, you never fail to talk me through the situation and make me feel confident that life goes on. The things and stress I am dealing with are bearable. I can't let one bump in the road determine who I am, or how I perceive myself.
I can be hard to talk to, hard to get ahold of and sometimes I don't listen, but you still care, and for that, I am thankful. I can't begin to express how glad I am for the things you do for me. I am forever indebted to you. You are my rocks and my backbones. Most importantly, you are my people. I appreciate everything you do for me. I only hope that I can reciprocate the same amount of comfort to you because you deserve that.
People lose touch, and although we don't speak every day, I am confident that I could call you at any time, or any place with any situation I need. Just recently, I found myself lonely, and uncomfortable. I found any reason to avoid social situations, and I spent the majority of my time in my dorm watching Netflix or attempting to do homework. You came along and put a stop to that. You have picked me up from some of the darkest places I have ever seen myself. I continue to entrust that kind of faith in you because I know you'll always be someone to lean on. I know for many years from now, I can continue you to count on you for anything.