Dear Dad,
I feel like whenever I call you, it’s always about something I need. “Dad, my rent is due, can you please put some money in my account?”, “Dad, I have to sign some papers, what’s my social again?”, “Dad, the check engine light came on in my car; can I still drive or am I going to explode?” Well, I want to write this for you. To thank you for not only picking up the phone, but also for being there for me no matter what.
Thank you for finding the humor in the small things in life. Game nights are always my favorite because, somehow, my stomach hurts from all of the laughing we do. Whether it is the dumb jokes or the side comments about my Euchre hand, you always find a way to make me smile- even if I get really competitive.
Thank you for being there whenever I need you. You’re always the first person I call when I have a problem, need something explained, or want real-life advice. Even though I leave the boy talk for Mom, you are always interesting in anything new in my life. Whether that has to do with my classes, work, or even dates, I can always count on you to ask me how it went and if you need to clean your shot-gun yet.
Thank you for showing me what an involved father looks like. Mom has always told me that she was lucky because you were around. You were there when we were kids and you were present in our lives. You always came home from work ready to do more work, even if it meant playing “There’s-No-Escape” for the thousandth time.
Thank you for encouraging my strong-willed nature. I know that the Schulz women in the family typically have louth mouths (in a good way), but thank you for allowing me to speak my mind. You and Mom never suppressed my desire to learn, to speak, and to grow through it all. You encouraged me to state my opinion, but made sure I had facts to back it up- even if those opinions were different than yours. I know that sometimes we may get into heated discussions, but I am so thankful you take the time to listen to me and encourage me to think outside the box and as critically as I can.
Thank you for setting an example for what a loving marriage looks like. I know the “EWWWW” comments from Frederich, Maxwell, and I when you kissed Mom were probably over the top as kids, but, as an adult, I have come to appreciate the little things you do for her. No marriage is perfect, but you both made sure to show us what true love looks like.
Thank you for bringing me rebound ice cream. I remember, in high school, I was having a hard time when my first boyfriend and I broke up.Without having to be asked, you brought me home my favorite ice cream. I know that ice cream is probably one of your favorite desserts, but the fact that you went out of your way to make me feel just a little better meant more than you could ever know.
Thank you for believing in me. You and Mom are always my first and last supporters. Whenever I tell you something new I want to do you always reply with, “Okay, so do it.” You have never once doubt my intelligence or ability to lead and for that, I am so grateful. Even when I didn’t believe in myself, I knew I always had you both in my corner.
And finally, thank you for saying I love you after every phone conversation we have. I don’t know if you noticed this, but every time I call you, no matter what it is about, you always make it a point to tell me you love me.
So, Dad, this one is for you. This one is for the countless piggy back rides up the stairs that probably hurt more than you let on, the rebound ice cream that made me feel better after a first break up, and the constant love and support you give to your family. I am so incredibly blessed that God choose you to be my earthly Father because, honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without you. So, thank you, Dad. You mean more to mean that I can put into words.
Your forever grateful daughter