It's that time of year again. The time of year where we gather around a formal dining room table that never gets used, eat copious amounts of food to the point that we have a food baby and name off the aspects of our life that we are thankful for. I've never understood why people wait to say what they are thankful for until Thanksgiving. In my opinion, we should be thankful everyday of the week, but considering Thanksgiving has the word thanks in it, we put a heavier emphasis on it.
I look forward to this time of year because it means that the semester is almost over and I am that much closer to heading down to Louisiana to visit my family. Every year since I have lived in Oklahoma, my mom and I have traveled down to Louisiana for Thanksgiving. The best food memory I can remember is my grandfather's stuffing. I don't know what in the hell he put in the stuffing to make it taste so amazing, but damn that stuff was the best! I never could get a hold of that recipe after he died, so I haven't had stuffing that good in six years. I'm thankful that I was able to help him cook his last stuffing he ever made.
I could honestly write a book about all of the people and aspects in my life I am thankful for. Honestly, I see no need to write about every single thing because the people in my life should already know that I am thankful for them. Unlike most people, I try to give thanks every day rather than just one day out of the year.
To say that I am thankful would be an understatement. The amount of support and unconditional love that my friends and family bless me with is astounding and without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. I am blessed to be a child of God and live in this glorious world that He created. Without Him, I would be nothing.
So for all you folks that will be gathering around an old dusty dining room table and chowing down on some home cooking, enjoy it! Give thanks everyday of the week and remember to give thanks to Him.
I hope everyone has an amazing holiday week and gets to enjoy it with their family!