This time of year, every year, I start to think of the meaning of thanksgiving and I really start to think about what mean the most in life. There are some days for everyone that we feel like we're tired and we're stressed, but it's really important to take a step back and and really appreciate what we have.
One thing that I learned to stop taking for granted when I moved away to college is my family. The cliche answer that people respond with when asked what they are thankful for is their family, but there is definitely a reason why. When I was in high school I took for granted how much my parents did for me. I'm really thankful that I can go to them with anything that I am struggling with and I know they will always be on my side.
I am thankful that my entire extended family is so amazing. I was always surrounded by so much love and laughs and support, it makes my heart so full. I was always taught to reach for the stars, and I know that I will do just that.
Another person I am extremely grateful for is my sister. When we were younger my sister and I fought all of the time and we never seemed to agree with each other. Now that we are both away at college we really appreciate the time that we get to spend together and we realized that we really are each other best friends.
I am thankful for the friends that I met in high school that I still keep in touch with. I am also thankful for the amazing friends I was able to meet in college. When I am feeling down, I think of all the people that love me and it makes everything okay again.
I am thankful for the opportunity to go to an amazing college. Even though sometimes class can seem like a drag, I am learning something new every day and I like to think about the opportunity I am given. Many women, in past generations, were not given this chance. I am thankful I was given this chance to find my passion.
I am grateful that every day I wake up in a warm bed and so many things around me that make me happy. I am thankful that I am able to type this article on a laptop as the TV is on in front of me.
I am thankful that I was given this chance to be free and to live my life to the fullest. I am so blessed and I think it is important to think of the things I am thankful for, not just when thanksgiving is coming around the corner but every day. When you are able to put life into perspective and really think 'Wow look at all of this light and love and beauty around me", that is when you know you are doing it all right, and that is when it will all fall into place.